Occupational health and safety

Work is done safely at the Pyhäsalmi mine. Everyone working at the mine is committed to following safe work practices and using personal protective equipment. Regular occupational safety trainings maintain personnel and contractors’ occupational safety knowledge.

Risk assessment and management

Risk assessment and management is an important part of daily work. The personal risk assessment method Stop-Think-Succeed helps to identify the dangers of the work and to focus on the safe execution of the work. All near misses and incidents are reported, investigated and corrective actions are taken based on them.

We have achieved the goal of 0 accidents in 2011, 2012 and 2022.

Occupational health and safety policy

We commit to all phases of our mining operations:

  • to offer all our employees a healthy and safe working environment.
    0 − damage to target.
  • to meet the requirements of occupational safety legislation regarding our operations.
  • to operate in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard, the mining responsibility system, our responsibilities, obligations and international best practices.
    to maintain, monitor and support the health and working capacity of our employees at all stages of their working career.
  • for the systematic identification, assessment and management of risks in order to minimize harmful effects.
  • for continuous improvement of occupational safety by setting sufficient resources and challenging goals.
  • to train in safe work practices and increase employees’ awareness of occupational safety issues.
  • for open interaction with stakeholders in order to promote the realization of occupational health and safety goals and objectives.
  • to report openly, investigate, find root causes and implement corrective measures in all incidents affecting safety.

Everyone who works at the Pyhäsalmi mine knows and follows our common occupational health and safety policy.

The goal is zero accidents

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